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Integrated System for Operational Reliability Storage Tanks

The EcoProTank-SC1® system serves to prevent and minimize waste generation, maximize its use and reduce the environmental impact and incorporating best practices for Maintenance Management. It seeks to consolidate the preventive orientation of the maintenance strategy (reactive maintenance, planned maintenance, proactive maintenance, optimum asset management and reliability aimed design) to improve the availability, reliability and productivity of Storage Tanks.


PEMEX Exploration and Production has validated this system as clean and safe technology that ensures prevent pollution, minimize waste generation and establish safe working conditions for personal that performing these activities.

This system consists of the following seven modules, which complies with the requirements of existing standards, required for each specific module.


​1. Inspección por Emisión Acústica and Thermographic

Determines the structural assessment of storage tanks in operation, through the method of acoustic emission and is complemented by a thermographic inspection for determining the sediment from tank bottoms.


2. Automated Tank Cleaning BRAVO®.

Removes sludge storage tanks also separated and recovered in large percentage in the mixed sediment of the same product.

3. System Wastewater Treatment Site for oily water in WasteBuster II®.

Removes oil content in industrial waste water at the site of liquid waste generated in Module 2.

4. Solid Waste Treatment ECOBASE MH1®.

Removes solid waste (sludge) from the solid waste generated in module 2.

5. Jet mixers P43® high volume.

It is used to control and homogenization of the slurry hydrocarbon soluble to prevent settling sludge, extending the residual life of the tank and the maintenance frequency is extended considerably.


6. Mechanical Integrity.

Incorporating best practices using the criteria based on international standards and national organizational regulations (NRF-009-PEMEX-2004, NRF-015-PEMEX-2008, NFR-0717-PEMEX-2007, NRF-172-PEMEX-2007) and internationals (API-620, API-650, API-651, API-652, API-653, API-579), to ensure that the storage tanks are operated, inspected, maintained and/or replaced promptly to reduce risks to people and facilities, accidents and disasters, preservation of assets, increase the continuity of the operation, avoid production losses, reduced inventory storage tanks out of operation, increasing the storage capacity.


7. Certification.

To compliance with the requirements of API-2610 and API-653 standards to give an opinion of compliance through a Certificate of Mechanical Integrity supported by qualified and certified staff.

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