COPESA started operations in 1994, is a Mexican company made up of a multidisciplinary group of specialists, professionals and technicians, focused on the development of engineering, construction, consulting & technologies, and training in projects for the oil, gas, chemical, petrochemical and energy, among others. It also has another line of business: business and entertainment.
Through its holding companies and international strategic alliances, COPESA offers specialty services to provide comprehensive solutions through innovatives and cutting-edge technology.
In october 2018 we achieve 24 years of history, experience, accumulated knowledge and mainly own satisfaction by solving needs and requirements of our CLIENTS.
Always seek transcendence and sustainable growth of our company and society.
Being a leader and competitive multinational corporate offer solutions that provide excellence in its business lines, strengthening its strategic partnerships with international organizations before 2024.
Comprehensive management system policy (SIG)
COPESA, establishes the commitment to implement and guide all its strategic processes towards:
The quality of our services,
Respect for the environment and
Safe and healthy working conditions,
Complying with the requirements of our customers according to applicable legislation, consultation and participation of workers and other environmental and safety requirements, promoting among employees and stakeholders, the prevention of pollution, the rational use of resources and the prevention of injuries through the implementation, operation and continuous improvement of a comprehensive management system in accordance with the standards ISO 9001: 2015, ISO-14001: 2015 and ISO-45001: 2018.
Quality Policy
In COPESA we are aware of the importance of our work to help achieve results of our customers, our commitment is to realize our activities under the strictest quality codes based on a line of ethics and responsibility through continuous improvement.
Anti-bribery management system policy
COMPAÑÍA PEÑA SÁNCHEZ SA de CV, is committed to conducting business with integrity. This represents avoiding any act of bribery and complying with all applicable anti-corruption laws and regulations.
This Policy reflects the zero tolerance position with respect to any act of bribery. In this sense, any person who, directly or indirectly, acts on behalf of the company, makes or receives any type of improper payment is prohibited. Improper payments means receiving or paying bribes or giving, offering, or promising the delivery of money, valuables and trips or offered to any person, including a Public Official to, inappropriately, influence any act or decision of a person or to receive an undue benefit in their own favor or from the company.
In order to control this effectively, an effective Anti-Bribery Management System based on ISO 37001 has been implemented and based on the evaluation of the different levels of risk, which allows to prevent, detect and remedy any act of bribery carried out to company name. In addition to the risk assessment, financial and non-financial controls will be implemented in the most critical processes, which will reduce the risk of bribery.
As support for the Directorate on the monitoring and performance of the Anti-Bribery Management System, an Anti-Bribery Compliance Function was designed who has the corresponding responsibility and authority for the operation of the System of the system as well as generate the necessary reports before the Directorate. This Anti-Bribery Policy, requires that all staff periodically conduct the training course on it.